
Duplin Family Favorites | Dave & Angie

The staff of Duplin decided that we wanted to keep helping our customers learn about the different flavors of Duplin, but instead of asking you what you like, we'll share what we like! We are putting together special Duplin staff recommendations and are calling it Duplin Family Favorites because we know that the staff and our customers are all considered family in Duplin's eyes.

Marriage Made Sweeter

He likes dry. She likes sweet. Sound familiar when you and your honey are drinking wine? Love keeps us together, but here’s how Duplin Winery sippers make marriage even sweeter.

Ain’t love grand? You bet, especially when its time to sit side-by-side sipping good glasses of wine. Dave and Angie Fussell have some favorites that make their lives together sweeter, and it’s not all about tasting notes.

Dave likes dry wines, especially soft, fruity Carlos and our red muscadine Burgundy with just a hint of fruit.

“People always asked me, why do I drink these wines, and I said, “Because somebody has to,” Dave says with grin.

Lots of folks love Duplin’s sweet wines, but these dry wines are getting more and more popular thanks to their subtle notes and easy pairing with food. Carlos is perfect with snacks on the patio or sipping with fried chicken or seafood. When burgers or steaks come off the grill, reach for that Burgundy. A simple glass of either, chilled, after a day on the golf course is perfect.

Angie’s favorites are Sangria Rose, Brice’s Creek and Sweet Rose. “Mine aren’t based on what fruit flavor they have or what grape they used or what food I cook with them,” she says. “Mine are more based on moods.”

Dave laughs.

During the stress of the coronavirus lockdown or when she craves quiet time but can’t get it, Angie reaches for mellow, fruity, citrusy Sangria Rose. When Dave can’t stop talking about his golf games, she loses herself in smooth, sweet, soothing Brice’s Creek.

“And magically I become interested in each and every hole that you played and can engage you in witty repartee about golf,” she tells Dave, who at this point is cracking up laughing.

Fresh, crisp Sweet Rose is what she brings out when it’s time to celebrate love and family and the joy of its many layers.

“It has just the right amount of flavor to make me enjoy that,” Angie says.

Dave and Angie share a lot of love for each other and Duplin wines. Tell us about the wines that bring you together.

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