Duplin Family Favorites

Duplin Family Favorites | Ronnie

Hi, I’m Ronnie from Duplin Winery. I’m in my yard in Rose Hill, North Carolina. It's a beautiful day and my wife told me I had to get off the couch and get outside. Folks, summertime is just around the corner and I want to share with you some of my favorite, Duplin products for the summertime.

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Duplin Family Favorites | Crystal

Hi guys! I’m Crystal, I’m the private events planner here at Duplin Winery. Better known as The Wedding Planner. I wanted to bring you some of my favorite items that we have here and naturally most of them are wedding-related. I myself am getting married this year, so a lot of these are must-haves for myself right now.

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Duplin Family Favorites | Savannah

Hi Duplin Family! Most of you have seen multiple videos on our favorite picks, family picks or employee picks. I want to do is something a little bit different. Ladies, I know Father's Day is coming around, so I wanted to give you some options as far as gifting goes, but also get you a little prize in there as well. So, some of my favorite things, especially being a sports fan myself, I'd say it's a bottle cover. It looks like a football has a little helmet that sticks on the top for those football days.

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Duplin Family Favorites | Karen A

Hi, Duplin Wine Family. My name is Karen. I've been here with Duplin for about 13 years now. And these are some of my favorite products that are very essential to have at this time. And I want to start out with the Magnolia. I like Magnolia because it has a very fruity start and a very clean finish. I like having this at the house for my guests might come over to visit, or friends might come over an visit.

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Duplin Family Favorites | Britt

Hey, I'm Britt. I work here at Duplin Winery and I'm glad that you guys are watching this video today. I did want to share with you a couple of my favorite picks that we have in store right now. Some of my favorite memories and my favorite things to do during the summer, or go to the beach with my family.

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Duplin Family Favorites | Art

Hey everybody! it's Art from Duplin Winery North Myrtle Beach. Normally, you can find me in the bottling room or the warehouse at Duplin. But, right now I'm in the middle of this sick Coronavirus outbreak, I'm spending some time at home. Those of us on the north side of 60 were asked to stay home. Which helps protect us and ultimately it helps protect you. Help flatten the curve, stay home and enjoy.

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