

TikTok is completely wrong. Here's the right way to drink port.

Port wine is trending. On TikTok! The problem is that posters completely miss out on the joys of sipping port. Everything they tell you about the port experience is wrong. We’re here to set the record straight so that you can fully enjoy one of the world’s best drinks.

TikTokers have been nuts for port lately because of the wine’s extra dose of alcohol — 4% to 6% more than regular wine. They also like that they can find a cheap brand at the grocery store. In essence, get more drunk for the same price of or less than regular wine. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Port, traditionally a blend of red wine and brandy, is meant to be savored. Forget  bottom-shelf brands at the supermarket. Duplin American Port’s caramelly, dried-fruit richness is absolutely perfect for snuggle-up fall and winter days. But this fine port is also a tasty addition to cocktails and sangria.

Various styles of port are available. Duplin American Port is more like a tawny port whose flavor benefits from aging. Here’s everything you need to know about the right way to drink this style of port.

Never super-chill port

On TikTok, many posters drink port cold from the refrigerator, in ice-frosted glasses and even poured over ice cubes. Those are big mistakes. Brandy gives port its higher alcohol content. Back around the late 1600s, Portuguese winemakers added brandy to act as a preservative in wines shipped to British markets hundreds of miles away.

Duplin American Port, 10% brandy and 90% blended muscadine wine, is 18% alcohol. Drink port at between 50 to 60 degrees to balance the wine’s sweetness and keep the brandy’s alcohol heat in check. But Duplin American Port is also incredibly lovely when its warmer, especially on chilly nights when you want more of the port’s extra-cozy, brandy wonderfulness.   

Port Wine Sangria Port Wine Sangria
Never drink port on the rocks, unless port is blended into sangria. In this Port Wine Sangria recipe, we soaked fresh fruit in port and then mixed in Duplin Pum'kin red wine.

Don’t use a wine glass

Never pour copious amounts of port into a giant wine glass like many TikTokers do. Port is all about pure sipping pleasure. Stick to 3-ounce pours in the right glass. The traditional glass resembles a stemmed wine glass but is shorter. The bowl and neck are narrower to concentrate port’s cozy aromas as you sip.

We like to relish Duplin American Port from a snifter. The narrow opening highlights Duplin port’s caramelly, sweet fragrance. Plus, when we cup the glass in our hand, Duplin American Port stays a bit warmer, letting those brandy flavors rise from the fruity muscadine wine.

Sip port with decadent foods

Chocolate and blue cheese are classic pairings with port. This is a wine that loves rich foods, making Duplin American Port essential for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Serve port with pecan and pumpkin pies, chocolate cheesecake, spice cake and decadent carrot layer cake with cream cheese frosting. The wine also works with sumptuous savory foods like pork belly, baked brie and roast duck. 

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