

How to make hot mulled spiced wine just right

Our video series "Dine & Wine" showcases different recipes and cocktail mixes using Duplin Winery wines and gourmet products. Join our host, Frank, as he gets the dish on our Duplin family's favorite eats and drinks. If you have ideas for the show or if you're looking for a recipe, let us know in the comments. Cheers!

Put on your fuzzy socks, snuggle up in a blanket and turn on a Hallmark Christmas movie. 'Tis the season for hot, mulled and spiced wines, and new Jingle Spice is everything you need for cozy holiday moments.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, a burst of apple and just a hint of citrus blends oh so smoothly with a little Duplin Christmas Wine and a little Duplin Muscadine Cider.

This spiced wine could not be easier to make. Stir it together in a large pot on the stove or keep it warm all day in your slow cooker.

We love to garnish mugs of spiced wine with sliced oranges and cinnamon sticks. You could also cut a wedge of orange and stick a few cloves into the skin before adding it to a cup of Jingle Spice. A spring of rosemary is a lovely, simple garnish.

When we're feeling extra fancy, we rim the mug in cinnamon brown sugar, carefully pour in prepared Jingle Spice and then float a slice of dried apple right on the wine. Don't hesitate to pipe or dollop freshly whipped cream onto a cup of Jingle Spice. Finish the whipped cream with a dusting of freshly grated nutmeg. 

While Jingle Spice is meant to be enjoyed warm, we also like it chilled for a holiday ice cream soda. Put about a half-cup into a tall glass. Add a few scoops of vanilla ice cream and then top with sparkling cider or ginger ale. Garnish this drink-meets-dessert treat with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel syrup.

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