

Here's how to make the perfect Paloma, this year's coolest cocktail

The Paloma cocktail is everywhere right now. It's the one drink everyone has to try. Light and refreshing, with a citrus pop of grapefruit, the Paloma has basically kicked the Aperol Spritz out of first place for best easy sipper. Here's how to make the popular Paloma even better.

The Paloma is from Mexico. It's one of the simplest, most satisfying drinks you'll ever make. Just grapefruit soda, white tequila and a little bit of sugar create the magic. Our version skips plain sugar. So dull! Instead, we added a Duplin white wine with vibrant citrus notes.

We call our Paloma the Duploma Paloma, because, of course, we Duplin-ized this tasty cocktail. First,  rim a rocks glass with pink sea salt and add ice cubes. Next comes a shot of good white tequila, a little lime juice and a splash of Duplin Carlos or Duplin Cotton Candy Lime for clean sweetness with a slightly acidic pop. If you want a little more sweetness, try Duplin Magnolia. To give this drink a deeper pink hue and that little-extra sweetness, go with Duplin Pink Magnolia.  

All that's left to do at this point is fill the glass with grapefruit soda. We love Mexico's Jarritos brand, which you can find at most supermarkets. Fresca is another grapefruit soda that works for this drink. Garnish with a big half-moon slice of fresh grapefruit and find a place to chillax until it's time for a refill. 

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