
Duplin Family Favorites

Duplin Family Favorites

The staff of Duplin decided that we wanted to keep helping our customers learn about the different flavors of Duplin, but maybe instead of asking you what you like, we'll share what we like! We are putting together special Duplin staff recommendations and are calling it Duplin Family Favorites because we know that the staff and our customers are all considered family in Duplin's eyes.

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Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving Recipes

Each family has its own unique traditions from the games played after supper, down to who brings which dessert, side dish and turkey. But, you may be tired of the same ole recipes, or maybe you don’t think you can make grandmas stuffing just right. Here is some inspiration to make your 2019 Thanksgiving supper

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Delicious Thanksgiving Desserts

Scuppernong Cake

This time of year is our favorite at Duplin Winery as we gather with family and friends and remember what we are most thankful for. We’ve got a list of delicious Thanksgiving desserts that you won’t want to miss out on this year, each one made especially with Duplin Winery in mind.

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