Recipe: Sweet Stuffed Chicken

From: Duplin Winery

  • Thinly cut chicken breasts
  • Thinly sliced bacon
  • Muscadine Pineapple Habanero Salsa
  • Muscadine Smokehouse Grilling Sauce
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  1. Take three strips of bacon and lay them side by side, slightly overlapping each strip.
  2. Place one (or two, depending on size) thinly sliced chicken breast on top of bacon.
  3. In the center of the chicken, spread Duplin's Muscadine Pineapple Habanero Dip. The amount depends on your tastes, but be careful not to put too much on, or else it will run out of the center of the chicken.
  4. Tuck the long side of the chicken breasts in, then fold the edges of the chicken in so that the width of the chicken is shorter than the three strips underneath. This will help keep the cheese contained inside.
  5. Slowly roll the chicken in the bacon and create a chicken roll.
  6. Cover the roll with Duplin Gourmet's Muscadine Smokehouse Grilling Sauce.
  7. Cook in an air fryer for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Add your favorite sides, such as; mac & cheese, baked beans.
  9. One stuffed chicken breast equals one serving.
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